Introducing Miln Hayat Stapp

June 2024 · 2 minute read

Rocker Scott Stapp, 33, and his wife, former Miss NY Jaclyn, 26, along with Scott’s son Jagger, 8 1/2, introduced their daughter Milán Hayat in OK! Magazine a few weeks ago. Milán, who was 4 weeks old at the time the photo was taken, is now 11 weeks. Highlights from the interview include:

Adjustment to a newborn:

Jaclyn says,

She wakes up hungry every three house. He takes her partof the night, and I take her the other part. We feed her, pat her onthe back and put her back to sleep.

Scott adds,

When she’s happy, we’re happy. We love to kiss her and play withher. We live for the happy times. We’re not getting much sleep. Jaclyn,her mother, Hayat, and her family have been an amazing support system.We’re feeling good because Jaclyn’s mom has come over and said, ‘Get agood night’s sleep.’ When I play guitar or sing to her, it calms her. I sing asong I’ve written for her, ‘Milán’s Song,’ which I’m going to put on mynext record. It’s about the different experiences that a man feelsabout having a daughter as opposed to a son.

On Jagger’s transition from only child for 8 years to big brother:

He was an only child, so it was important to let him know that we can’tdo this on our own. He holds and feeds her. We never wanted him to feeljealous or left out. He’s a proud big brother.

Highlights of the day:

Giving her a bath.  She loves to play in the water. [Scott says] I’ll says, ‘Daddy give you kisses,’ and she’ll put herlips together. I’ll give her a kiss and she’ll smile. I’ll do it again,and she’ll smile. Then, I’ll do it again, and she’ll cry, like, ‘I’vehad enough kisses Dad.’

Does Scott change diapers?

Oh, yeah, we do this all hands-on.

What do Scott and Jaclyn wish for their children?

Jaclyn says,

I’d like to instill the importance of education and college.

Scott adds,

We both have a higher education. Even now, with Jagger,I’m telling him what my expectations are for high school and I talkabout college and GPAs. I want them to have everything I didn’t. I’llbe honest about my rough times. I want them to learn an instrument.

In addition, Jaclyn posed for the premiere issue of Stork Magazine – the January issue.

Sources: Passion Breeds Followers and Stork Magazine.

Thanks to CBB reader Irene.
